How To Make 2020 An Eco-Friendly Year

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Pollution is responsible for the health problems of more than 200 million people across the planet. Babies born with birth defects, children losing as much as 40 IQ points and low life expectancy (45 years) because of the imminent risk of cancer. Land pollution alone is the combined result of solid household waste generated by Americans (258 tons a year) plus all the industries and their ultra-polluting actions. Researchers from the University of Utah claim industries rely on 4 million pounds of materials so that the average American household can benefit from necessary products throughout the year.

If you feel like you would not be able to make the slightest difference, think again. If everyone would start using this mentality, we could all shut the blinds and go to sleep for all eternity right now. It’s our love for our planet that keeps us going and our desire to keep mankind alive. We can all make a difference, no matter how small and apparently insignificant. It takes the conjoined efforts of everyone around us to turn from an ignorant mass of people into a more united, eco-aware family. So let’s find out what eco-friendly choices we all can start doing 2020 so we can stop the negative impact our current lifestyle has on our beloved planet.

1.  Walk The Walk

If you are more on the sedentary side, make it a purpose to walk at least 5,000 steps a day. Climb those stairwells instead of taking the elevator – it uses electricity and it is also preventing you from getting a minimum cardio workout every day. Try to replace driving to work using your personal vehicle with the subway or a bus. Occasionally, share a ride to work with your co-workers or get an electrical bike.

2.  Choose Online When Possible

Being “online” is part of most people’s lives today, mainly due to social or convenience reasons, but it’s also a lot more environmentally friendly. When we talk about online activities we usually think about shopping or digital banking services as doing this online usually saves us a lot of time. Thinking about online activities from an eco-perspective however, is less about saving time and has more to do with finding greener alternatives. It includes everything from online shopping, services, education, and entertainment. Watching a film online instead of driving to the movies or to the closest rental service is a choice that makes a difference for the environment. A recent Australian study shows that there is an emerging preference for digital formats when it comes to entertainment. This makes sense considering the fact that 50% of all Australians are in possession of both a laptop/pc, smartphone, and tablet. The question is what will happen to all of the bricks-and-mortar businesses when the population becomes more digital? Looking at DVD stores, the Australian study showed that 25% of the people still prefer to visit the local video store when it’s time to get a film but the number is decreasing as digital formats are becoming both easier and cheaper to access. Gambling is another industry that challenges traditional businesses. With their use of modern technology, they offer online alternatives more appealing to the customer. A traditional casino can not compete with modern games at online casinos and the high maintenance costs of traditional shops make it difficult for them to compete with the prices offered by online video games. From an environmental perspective, this development is great. Think of all the gas pollutants that will reach the air and soil on your drive to the video store or casino, often miles away. Not to mention the huge amount of electricity, plastic and casino waste generated by the large casino resorts. Just by making a choice not supporting these huge pollutants is a great starting point.

3.  We All Eat Food – Let’s Be More Conscious About It!

More than 26 percent of the total greenhouse emissions on Earth are caused by food waste. Here is what you could do in 2020 to make sure you lower your own impact on the numbers:

  • try to buy more local products that are in season. Try not to buy so much exotic food that is easily accessible due to imports overseas. It may be convenient for you, but it is something that entails huge energy consumption in the struggle to grow food in various climates and transport it across the globe. If you’re a big avocado fan, but the fruit is not native to your country, you should know this: by eating two just avocados on a weekly basis or an entire year, you are actually using an equal amount of energy that would be used to heat an average home in the US for a couple of days. You are also using the water equivalent of 54 showers lasting 8 minutes on average. Strawberries, mango, tomatoes – you get the idea. Anything that is not domestically grown and available off-season is triggering huge energy consumption.
  • Try to focus more on the foods that you can find in the US and steer clear from off-season foods that are imported from foreign countries that are flown in periodically.
  • Stop using food that is wrapped in plastic. It is not only cheaper to buy unwrapped products in bulk, but you can also use your own reusable bags and limit your use of plastic. In fact, try to only use your own reusable bags when going shopping.
  • Bring your own reusable coffee cup to your favorite coffee to go shop and stop using plastic cups and straws.

Without a doubt, measures to cut back on toxic pollution at a global level are vital and we could all start taking more action in 2020. While the entire world may be under a lot of stress and you may be also experimenting with the effects of the general state of dire straits, there are still plenty of palpable things you could do to live a more eco-friendly life in the upcoming years. You owe it to your children and their children’s children.,


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