How to sell on WhatsApp? The Guide Anyone Can Use

Internet Investment Sales Strategies success wealth

We give you a simple strategy to offer your products or services through the messaging service.

5 min read

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As you should know (or at least guess), communication with your potential customers is central to your business. Without much ado, this time we will talk about WhatsApp as a sales tool.

You might think that running Facebook’s instant messaging service to keep in touch with your customers doesn’t require nuclear physics, but reconsider. Proper handling of the tool and its use together with your other communication and marketing channels can exponentially your sales in a way that you cannot imagine.

First things first, what do you need?

Use of language

Image: Christian Wiediger via Unsplash

  • Use short messages with closed questions, long texts are not suitable for sale, also, so you can serve more people in less time.
  • He considers that there is no rule in this regard, it is not the same to sell cakes than financial services, so the language must be adapted to the target audience and the product or service offered, although as a rule it tries to use friendly language, without spelling mistakes and suitable emoticons.
  • Try to use messages that can be suitable for any gender and age. That is, instead of “It seems that you are interested / interested”, use “It seems that you are interested”.
  • Avoid being marked as spam, make sure that everything you share with your clients and potential clients is appropriate, because if 10 different people mark you as spam you could permanently lose your WhatsApp Business account.

Automatic welcome and absence messages

In the WhatsApp Business tools you can configure these messages, however, as a recommendation you only have to schedule the absence messages outside of business hours, since the automatic welcome messages can be annoying for your active or recurring customers.

Plan the flow of conversation


  • Create prefabricated conversations, that is, if you have already been selling on WhatsApp you will have realized what the frequently asked questions are and the conversations that are constantly repeated, create a document with the prefabricated answers for each moment of the sale.
  • Since you have your document with the pre-made answers, you can create a standard conversation flow to know what to answer at what point in the sale, there are some tools like “Miro” that will allow you to do this easily and intuitively.
  • Since you have your flow and your pre-made responses, now you can program quick responses in the business tools section of WhatsApp Business, this means that with a keyword you can send a pre-programmed text, which in turn becomes valuable time to reach out to more people.
  • Create protocols for different types of conversations, that is, since you have your conversation flow for sale, you must also have a protocol to know what to do when a potential client does not answer you, how long to follow up and what kind of follow-up? when someone is complaining angrily, when it’s after-sales service, and so on.

Show your products or services with WhatsApp Business

  • Likewise, in the WhatsApp Business tools section you can create catalogs with images, prices, payment links, animated gifs or links to YouTube videos.

Use broadcast lists

  • Again in the WhatsApp Business tools section for the company you can create labels and label your clients and potential clients depending on your needs in the sales or service process, and once these labels have been created, you can create distribution lists to send messages specific to lists of people. This does not work as a group where everyone has access to what everyone writes in that group, but the use of that list will allow you to send individual messages to a specific list of people depending on their place in the service or sale process.
  • Remember to inform how to unsubscribe from those lists, since if it is information that is annoying for a person, it could mark you as spam.

WhatsApp statuses

  • Share content, show your products, use storytelling, that creates loyalty, trust, presence of your brand and new sales.

Many advisers for the same WhatsApp Business number


  • Of course you can, they are paid tools, but very useful if your business size already requires it, remember to use official WhatsApp APIs recognized by Facebook.
  • Remember not to use tools not recognized by Facebook, as they could disable your WhatsApp account.


  • There are many platforms to receive payments through links, these links can be used directly in your WhatsApp Business conversations to close your sales and they are incredibly versatile, allowing you to make payments in cash, credit or debit card or interbank transfers, you only need to link the platform chosen with your bank account and that’s it.,


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